Monday, December 8, 2008

First Real Snow

Today we had the first snow that really stuck for more than a few hours. Right when the boys woke up they wanted to go out to play in it. I did my best to hold them off until after lunch, and I have included a few pictures of them playing. Actually, Ammon is playing and Zenock is just eating the snow. Go figure!

This weekend we worked some more on our bathroom, installing a new toilet and putting up some wainscoating to coverup impatchable holes made from the doorknob and toilet paper holder. And today, sometime, I need to sand down the grout left over on the tiles. I started doing it on Saturday, but it was really hard, and I needed better sanding blocks. I am just thankful that we can use our toilet and shower now instead of having to go across the street to use the bathroom.

Also this weekend I have been working on making a gingerbread house from scratch for the Museum of Idaho's Christmas display. They are doing free admission all month so people can come see all the gingerbread houses and unique nativity scenes from around the community. The last several years they have been in the Temple visitor's center and at the stake center across from the temple. Since the visitor's center remodel, and the high demand for the nativity scene display, it was decided to move everything into one location at the museum. It will be really fun to see all the different stuff there, and my boys are already excited to see mommy's house with the other neat ones. I'll post some pictures after the display opens of mine and some other different ones. It should be a fun, free family activity to celebrate the holidays. If you are in town, go see it!

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