Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My baby girl is one!!!

Happy birthday to my baby girl!!


Her big cake is made from scratch, a chocolate mayo cake recipe, with marshmallow fondant. I just cut out the top decorations with cookie cutters and squished rolled balls of fondant flat for the dots. The little cake I made just for her to eat, devils food favorite!

Her brothers were more than happy to help her open her presents.

From Grammy and Jerry she got a glow worm. Great Grandparents a cute shirt and pj's for next year. Aunt Bethany and family a glow worm. Brothers gave her a baby swim floatie for the pool. Grandparents Deitz sent her some bath toys and a telephone pull toy...just like the one I had as a baby...via UPS today. From Mom and Dad she got a forward facing car seat and some clothes I've been saving for 6 months for her.....(I love clearance :)).

She knew right what to do with her cake and dove right in.

I LOVE this face!!! I call it the scrunchie face. She does it all the time when she's being silly, and I can't believe I caught it on camera this time!

Sage, Brady's nephew, the Great Grandparents, then our kids.

I have three videos to put on here, but for some reason blogger isn't reading my youtube account, so when I get that fixed I'll post them here. Until then, here is a link to our channel where the videos are uploaded.

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