Monday, December 30, 2013

Some quotes I found....

Some quotes I found while preparing for my talk on Sunday about how to build a Zion people....not necessarily material I used, but still good things to remember.

Elder Packer, Oct 1998: There are things vital to the well-being of a family which can be found only by going to Church. There is the priesthood, which empowers a man to lead and bless his wife and children, and covenants which bind them together forever.
I have studied much in the scriptures and have taught from them. I have read much from what the prophets and apostles have spoken. They have had a profound influence upon me as a man and as a father.
But most of what I know about how our Father in Heaven really feels about us, His children, I have learned from the way I feel about my wife and my children and their children. This I have learned at home. I have learned it from my parents and from my wife’s parents, from my beloved wife and from my children, and can therefore testify of a loving Heavenly Father and of a redeeming Lord.
Presiding Bishopric member Keith McMullin, Oct 2002: Principles of love, work, self-reliance, and consecration are God given. Those who embrace them and govern themselves accordingly become pure in heart.

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Dad!!!!!! We all love and miss Grandpa!

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