Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas is almost here!

I just wanted to say I am glad my Christmas shopping is officially done. I finished up with a couple of things on Black Friday, and now I don't have to think about what to get people anymore. It's kind of a relief, but it makes me wish Christmas was next week. I am really excited for the boys to see what Santa brings, the family party on Christmas eve, and going to our parent's ward party since our ward doesn't have a family Christmas party.

Now if I could just get the snow to would be perfect for Christmas!!

Thanksgiving was great. We went to my parents for the traditional family get-together, and then Friday night we were at Brady's parents for another yummy meal. I got to see my sister from North Idaho, and I started my pajama pant sewing for us to wear on Christmas eve. Hopefully I will finish that project this week. I love the holiday season, it's truely my favorite, and the music is the best!!!

Last week I had my two wisdom teeth I have no wisdom left! I am healing well, and I was able to eat Thanksgiving food without any trouble. By the way, I am still very proud of the peach pie I made from scratch. It was awesome! Thanks Mom for the great recipe, the use of your peaches and kitchen...and everything else! I love being with family to celebrate a holiday where we can reflect on what we are thankful for.

Last week our lesson in Relief Society was about having an attitude of gratitude. Sister Treasure challenged us to write down something we were thankful for each day before Thanksgiving. I never wrote it down, but each night as I was trying to fall asleep, my mind would wander over all the many things I am thankful for. The first things I thought of were my wonderful husband, my two rambunctious boys, our wonderful ward, friends and neighbors we can rely on, and family who will support us in whatever may happen in our lives. I am also very thankful to have a temple close by...we have been able to attend twice this month, and plan to do the same in December. Words cannot express how grateful I am for the opportunity to be a member of the Church. I know that the friendships, the support, and the love are present throughout the world. No matter where we go, the Church is always the same!

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