Saturday, January 31, 2015

Ice cream sundaes

With a cherry on top and samoa cake on the bottom. Yummy!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Rydon is green

A little green burrito!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Rydon Himni arrived on January 26, 2015

 Last prego photo....looks like the surgical tech tried to get in it too.
 Ready for the action
 And he arrives! 10:45 am. 6lbs 7 oz. 19 inches long.

He was nameless for almost 24 hours! Rydon comes from a character in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (Brady's favorite author)
 We are ready to go home today!
 Ayla is in love with him! I told her what his name is, and she keeps insisting his name is Baby.
 Ammon meets Rydon after school
Zenock meets Rydon today
It took Gideon until after dinner to finally decide he wanted to hold Rydon.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

It's almost over...

In about 12 hours from now we get to meet our handsome little man. While we have yet to finalize his name, I am getting really excited for a few things (in no particular order):
no more heartburn
no more itchy feet
no more punches to the bladder
seeing my feet again
being able to paint my own toenails
seeing the color and quantity of his hair
quiet time with just him and I in the hospital
watching Brady get peed on when he changes a diaper :)
smelling that wonderful baby scent whenever I want!

Things I will probably miss about being pregnant:
fetal kicks and hiccups
my big belly
having an excuse to ask for a foot/back rub often

I'm really, really nervous...and excited for tomorrow morning to come. We report to the hospital at 7:30am and have the OR scheduled for 9:30am. After that, we will be parents of a newborn again!!

I had to have him 2 weeks earlier than planned because I developed a liver condition called cholestasis, which basically means my liver started working to hard at the end off the pregnancy. If he would have delivered on the 9th like planned both he and I could have serious complications, so delivering at 37 weeks 3 days it is. 

Monday, January 19, 2015


 This is how the kids play twister. It was hilarious to watch Gideon and Ayla copying the older kids.

 This is how Clifford is watched sometimes. Please notice Ayla's shoes...
And just for fun, this is a small part of the quilt I am currently working on for someone. It's a full size t shirt quilt made out of her son's clothes...ages 0 to 4. It's been pretty fun to put together.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Foot rub

Ayla is learning to be a good foot rubber assistant.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Gideon's birthday!

The big day finally arrived. He has been talking about his birthday for weeks. He and Ayla helped make his cake yesterday. Today we went out for lunch to Smashburger, using Brady's Christmas present from his mom. The little kids did so good, and Brady took a hilarious video of Gideon. It's at the end of the post. Tonight, French toast was his dinner request.  He got some planes and the book from siblings, and the big cargo plane and smoke jumpers set from us. We loaded him up with planes fire and rescue toys. Grandma Deitz made him a fire truck hooded towel. Grammy and Jerry gave him a r/c car that flips  over....which is really fun! We sure love this cute four year old!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Christmas break in Idaho

We got to do some sledding, playing, petting Abby's dog,  Brady's birthday, and lots of playing in the snow. I also recovered Ayla's old car seat so it is fit for a boy now. It seems I always have a sewing project to do when we visit my parents.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


The kids got free tickets to the circus, so while Brady was home this weekend we got to go. It's something I have wanted to do here for 5 years. We all really loved it. Ayla loved the elephants, Gideon loved the ponies, Ammon loved the human canon (from America's got talent), and Zenock loved the tigers the most. Brady liked the quick change artist, and I liked the elephants too.