Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lots of talking

One upside this past week has been watching Zenock and Ammon interact. Zenock now says too many words to count, and he is getting really good at speaking in simple sentences. Around christmas time he said as much as 10 new words in a day. I love to watch them play with each other, and it is really fun to watch them when they sing songs. Zenock loves to sing Book of Mormon Stories and I am a Child of God.

A downside to this week has been that our family has once again been plagued with the flu. This is the second time this winter and it's aweful. We had to leave church early because I started to feel symptoms during Sacrament meeting. Zenock started last Sunday evening, and Brady started Thursday, so now it's my turn. I hope Ammon stays well because having sick kids isn't fun for anyone. I am glad, though, that Brady is home this week (since his boss took some time off he got to have a vacation as well). We should both be pretty productive this week with our homework and getting our bathroom finished too. If the weather stays nice like last week we can probably take down our christmas lights outside. I love winter, but I am ready for warmer weather...being cold all the time isn't very fun anymore.

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