Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Traditions

We took the kids to see Santa Claus at RC Willey on Saturday. It was awesome. There were no other kids, so Santa got to spend a few minutes with each of them. They had a LONG list of things they wanted. It was really cute to listen to them talk to him. I wondered if Zenock would be scared this year, but he totally wasn't.

We made gingerbread houses on Sunday night for FHE. We also watched the Nativity movie, and explained to the boys the reason we celebrate Christmas. I started a new tradition for our family this year too. We each chose one present to give to Jesus and wrote it down on paper. I put all the papers in an envelope and next year we will add to it. I think it's a great way to teach little kids about giving to others. Ammon's present to Jesus is to not be so bossy. Zenock said he wants to clean up better. They came up with those gifts all by themselves. Earlier in the day they both got in trouble for being bossy and taking too long to clean up the maybe that had some influence in their choices.

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