Friday, December 16, 2011


My boys LOVE my christmas Trans Siberian Orchestra CD. We listen to it in the car all the time. Last night we were listening to the radio, and Zenock's favorite song Carol of the Bells came on, but not by TSO. He said, "Hey, this isn't the right song. They are using the wrong instruments, and I like the other one better." And then he preceeded to insist we change the song to the right one. This morning on the way to take Ammon to school, we were listening to the TSO CD and both of them were immitating the sounds of the guitars and drums and totally rocking out in the car. I think you would have had to be there to get the full effect, but it really was super cute. I hope my kids keep up their intrest in music and want learn and instrument when they are in middle school.

On a side note, currently Gideon is in the hallway making very loud sounds because he is listening to the sound of his voice bounce off the walls. He loves to hear himself, and he loves it even more when we immitate the sounds with him. I can't believe he will be a year old in a month.

1 comment:

Melane said...

Caleb is about the same age as Gideon, I LOVE this age! Kids make life fun!