Sunday, September 30, 2012

Working hard

Most of you know Brady has been in graduate school going for his Master's in Security Management. This past week was the last for one of his classes - he's on a rolling schedule so he starts a new one every four weeks and they last for 8 weeks. He has worked dilligently on his final paper the whole week, including a last minute 12 hour shift on Monday....but even with all that dilligence, he still had to cram the last few hours before the due date/time. In the last 48 hours he has had to manage his time carefully with balancing soccer games for both boys, sleep, family time, church, and homework. He has slept for five hours since Friday. As of now, his 20 page paper is submitted and a 4 question essay final exam done, but he still has a 3 essay question midterm in his other class....due at 8pm tonight. He had to tell his professor he won't be able to take the quiz on time because he needs to sleep now since he has to cover for a coworker tonight. The poor guy has been working so hard to get everything done, and there's just not enough time in the day for him. Working nights is extra tough....not to mention the demands of being a dad to four kids who love him to pieces. Brady is such an amazing dad, and I am soooooo grateful for the sacrifices he makes to spend time with us while going to school. I know if we didn't have family time yesterday he could have finished everything on time, but he made the time for us all to be together. Today I am just thankful to be married to such a wonderful man!

1 comment:

Jon said...

Yup, a pretty amazing guy. Glad things are going well, even with a lack of sleep.